Monday 10 February 2014

Meet with the arrivals - Airport time

Airport from an other  view:

 I have a third job which is also at the airport, just like the one I hate. This one I love. Unfortunately they give me job really rarely, while it is good to work for them.
I only have to collect the people, who come for a company meeting, and call their car to come, say some nice word and than say goodbye, when the car arrived.
The only thing, which can make trouble, if two planes come in the same time, but to different terminals...
But these people are happy to meet with me, happy, that I help for them, happy to arrive, happy to see our country.

Meet with the arrivals is more fun!

These birds are like the arrivals.

They are curious, funny.

It is always good to meet with them!

Saturday 8 February 2014

RG trick

I would say "Oh yeah"... BUT the colors are terrible. If you know, why the gif changes colors, and how can I keep the original one, please help me, let me know! Thank you!!!

Original colors:

Friday 7 February 2014

Starbucks CupArt

Dear Lovely Everyone,
Starbucks Hungary has an application, and also a competition.
If you would be as kind as to help me to win free course to my favourite drawing school, than click here, like the page, and than vote for my cup!

Thank you so much for your help!!

The plastic dog belongs to my boyfriend, it can jump if you pull a sneck on it.

Have a nice weekend!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Rhythmic Gymnastic animation

First animated GIF!
So proud!
A HUGE thanks to my brother, who helped me with the programs!

Saturday 1 February 2014

chicken-owl transformation

Two years ago I had an excercise at school. I had to show how a stupid thing transforms into clever. 

Today I drew 6 frames, so this project finally could be an animated gif (or something) in a few hour...
But at least I am on my way to finish my works.

These four are the original sketches.

And I not only do this gif, but also will finish the first page of my comic. Gonna be super coooool!
Can't wait to share!